"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." - 1 Timothy 4:8

My fitness background…

  • Education

    I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas Tech University that focuses in areas of Kinesiology, Sports Psychology and Health Professions.

  • Powher.Fit

    I’ve been an Empowerment Coach with Powher.fit since 2019. I’ve helped many women achieve their fitness goals and overcome their limited mindset.

  • PCOS

    Recently I’ve been bold with speaking out about my journey and findings with PCOS. I was diagnosed at just 16 years-old and had no clue what this diagnosis would bring later in life.

How you’ll feel…

more confident in your skin, through discipline in your journey and workouts.


By clicking the link below, you can book a discovery call to learn more about working 1:1 with me! Some topics that we focus on are:

  • How to ease into the way of counting macros

  • How to let go of perfection and build lasting discipline

  • Why full-body strength training is effective

  • Setting goals for short-term and long-term

ANNNNND you have the BIGGEST cheerleader as your coach!!

Click here to book your FREE 1:1 Coaching Call